Pupils from Room 11 were keen to show off their art work that depicted the recent solar eclipse.
All posts by Mrs Docherty
The Week Ahead
Please look out for the school newsletter which will be issued at the beginning of the week. It has important information and features school news that informs you of the community life of the school.
This week it is ECO/HEALTH WEEK at St.Augustine’s. There is an action packed week of activities planned for all classes. We hope our children take home our strong Eco message to look after our environment.
Please continue to make the effort during Lent to attend daily Mass at 8.30am. It is great to see so many of our families and young people each morning.
Our after school clubs continue to go from strength to strength. Many thanks to all staff and parents who run these clubs for the benefit of our pupils.
Our Parent Council and P.T.A. will meet on Wednesday evening at 6.00pm. All welcome.
North Lanarkshire Learning Festival takes place on Thursday and Friday of this week with a special invitation extended to all parents to attend the Parent Conference on Thursday evening at Motherwell Civic.
Please encourage your children to start thinking about their egg design for the Egg Challenge (Pr.4 – 7) on Wednesday of next week. Prizes to be awarded for the winners in each class.
Movie Night Fun
Thanks to Mrs.Allison and her Global Citizens the whole school enjoyed a Movie Night on Friday evening to raise money for charity. The school hall was packed with children dressed in onesies settling down for the evening to watch a movie with their friends. We look forward to pupil feedback to see how we could further improve this type of event for the future. Many thanks to the many parents who came along to help supervise on the night. Their support and help was much appreciated.
Easter Fun Day – 24th March
Bike Sheds at Last!!
St.Augustine’s is delighted to announce that it will that at last have bike/scooter racks and a bike shed for securely storing bikes. This will hopefully encourage our children to travel to school on their bikes or scooters safe in the knowledge that they have somewhere safe to store them when they arrive at school. As an Eco school we want to promote a healthier lifestyle and encourage all of our children to walk or cycle to school. Here are a few pictures of our Pr.1 pupils who went out to investigate what the workmen were up to today.
Pupil of the Week Awards
Pr.6 pupils from Room 14
Pr.6 pupils worked in their co-operative learning groups to create mind maps that summarised the important facts they had learned while reading their non-fiction texts. As you can see they are totally focused on their learning and showing excellent team work skills.
Parent’s Evening
There was excellent turnout of parents for our Parent’s evening on Tuesday. Many thanks to our wonderful PTA members who were on hand to provide tea, coffee and some delicious homebaking for parents and staff. It was much appreciated. Our next Parent’s evening is next Tuesday. I hope to meet more of the wider Parent body and to make my introductions.
Pr.4 Easter Enterprise
Miss Cameron’s Easter Entrepreneurs have been busy at work advertising, receiving, processing and delivering orders for their Easter business. Children have thoroughly enjoyed running their own business and carrying out their roles within the company. Their profit will go towards providing Goldentime activites for their class.
Order forms have been sent out to Pr.1 – 3.
Order forms will be sent to Pr.4 – 7 next week. £3.50 for one. Special offer 3 for £10.
Great work boys and girls.
Canon Foley’s Diamond Jubilee
During Lent it is lovely to see so many of our children and families attending morning Mass at St.Augustine’s Church at 8.30am. Please keep it up and if you have not joined us yet please do. Could I remind everyone that due to the celebration of Holy Mass for Canon Foley’s Diamond Jubilee on Thursday evening at 7.00pm there will be no morning service on Thursday either at 8.30am or 10am. Father Kane has extended a generous welcome to all parishioners to attend the service and to come along to a buffet reception in the school hall afterwards. Canon Foley is celebrating his Diamond Jubilee and St.Augustine’s Parish and School have been deeply honoured and privileged to have been led by Canon Foley’s spiritual guidance and service for thirty years. As a school community we wish Canon Foley our best wishes and will continue to pray for him as we prepare to celebrate with him the gift of his priesthood.