Room 11 sent along a few pictures to share with you. Here they are in class letting their creative juices flow as they decorate their eggs for our Easter Egg Challenge. The finished eggs were eggstraordinary!!!
All posts by Mrs Docherty
Room 3 Egg Hunt
Room 3 children took part in an egg hunt and raised a further £43.50 to add to the total raised already. Great work Room 3.
Impressive Homework in Room 14
The pupils of Pr.6, Room 14 were sharing their learning this week. They were set the challenge to find out about the history of navigation as a result of work on compass directions. They gave super presentations to their classmates and impressed their teacher with their skilled delivery. Well done Room 14!
A Busy Week at St.Augustine’s
At our whole school assembly this week children were reminded about the Easter Bonnet Parade and Egg Challenge. Children were informed about the changes that lie ahead when we return to school after the Easter holidays when the lunchtime pre-order system comes into effect. This will further speed up the service at lunchtime and ensure all children get their preferred meal option. It will also significantly reduce food waste. Children learned that meals match colours and that they will be given a coloured band to wear to the dining hall, i.e. main meal is red, baked potato is white. We are confident that this initiative will further improve the efficiency of the kitchen servery.
At our whole school assembly our Eco Committee did a presentation to share with the whole school the work that took place during our Eco week. Their powerpoint presentation was enjoyed by everyone and they had a very special announcement at the end. St.Augustine’s have achieved their second Eco Schools Green Flag!!!! What an achievement!! Well done Mrs.Chisholm, Miss Ross and Mrs.O’Neil and the pupils from the Eco Committee for leading the school to this excellent achievement.
The Week Ahead
This week will be a busy week for everyone at St.Augustine’s as we prepare for Easter. Children are encouraged to attend morning Mass at 8.30am in St.Augustine’s Church. The whole school will attend morning Mass on Thursday at 10.00am. We invite our parents and grandparents to join us for the service and kindly invite everyone to join us in school for a Daffodil Tea afterwards.
We aim to inform everyone of the total that was raised throughout Lent and the charities that will benefit from the great work and activities that took place thanks to the great efforts of teachers and children and the support of parents.
Children will be busy at home preparing and creating Easter bonnets for our traditional Easter Bonnet Parade (Pr.1 – 3) on Wednesday morning. Parents/Grandparents are invited to join us. Prizes will be awarded for the best bonnets in each class. For pupils Pr.4 – 7 a challenge has been set to create a decorated egg in class. This activity will take place in the morning with children getting the opportunity to display their eggs for judging in the afternoon. The whole school will get together on Wednesday afternoon for a whole school assembly. Unfortunately due to numbers the afternoon assembly will be for pupils only.
Some of our Pr.4 pupils will be going out of school on Tuesday to attend a Netball Fun 5’s Festival. We wish them well and feel very confident that they will represent St.Augustine’s beautifully.
Please note the school will close at 2.30pm on Thursday 2nd April and will re-open on Monday 20th April.
Please remember to check out our blog throughout the week as we feature the great work taking place in school and feature the Easter Bonnet Parade and whole school assembly.
Species Hunt
Classes this week were incredibly busy as they set off on a species hunt around school grounds. Children worked in teams and discussed what they had found and learned about habitats and food chains. Our Eco week was a fabulous success with children reporting that they enjoyed the varied activities. Many thanks to the teachers who worked so hard to make the week such a success.
Pr.7 /Room 15 Bake Off
As part of Pr.7’s Lenten Charity work the class organised a bake off to find out who was the master baker in Pr.7. As you can see the response was excellent with invited judge Caroline Hughes having a very difficult job identifying the winners. Here are a few pictures that capture the day. Unfortunately we won’t be able to taste them. However, the overwhelming verdict was that they were scrumptious!
Creating a Wormery and out and about on our Nature Trail
Our Eco activities have been very extensive this week with lots of work taking place around promoting biodiversity within our school and ensuring our pupils know more about their local environment. Please check out our picture gallery the shows our children in the outdoor classroom.
Our Ground Force Team
The pupils of St.Augustine’s have been very busy this week tidying our school grounds in preparation for Spring. They have made a great difference to the school. Mrs.Chisholm, Miss Ross and Mrs.O’Neil are delighted with the efforts of all the classes. Many thanks to the parent helpers who gave up their time and came along to help out. Your help is very much appreciated.
Bug Mansions
Our Eco warriors were busy at work yesterday creating a bug mansion for a wide array of creatures. It will no doubt become a great asset to the school as children will be able to explore and find out about the creatures we share our school grounds with every day. As you can see the activity had everyone involved and working together to create a fine bug mansion. Great work boys and girls!! Oh and we better not forget the teachers and parent helpers who came along to give a hand on the day.