Our Daffodil Tea in aid of St.Andrew’s Hospice raised over £120 thanks to donations on the day and the sale of raffle tickets. The school is delighted to announce that thanks to donations and raffles sold at our Easter Bonnet Parade the school raised over £500 from both events which is a tremendous sum of money. We look forward to inviting a representative from the Hospice to come along to the school in the new term to make our presentation. Visiting parents and grandparents were entertained at their morning tea thanks to the talented bunch of musicians we have here at S.Augustine’s. The morning was a great opportunity to show off their talents!
All posts by Mrs Docherty
Netball Superstars
Junior Chefs
Miss Ross’s group of chefs from the cooking club were delighted to be awarded their Junior Chef Certificates at the end of term.
They completed their training and are now ready to assist with all cooking jobs at home!
Children made many delicious dishes throughout this club such as Bruschetta and experienced a real life cooking experience during a recent trip to Frankie & Benny’s!
A very successful learning experience for all. Let’s hope they put all that training to good use in their own kitchen!!
Pr.1 and their wormeries!!
Our Pr.1 pupils were busy during our Eco week creating their own wormery. First they part filled large jars with some stones then added soil and sand before adding some worms from the school garden. Finally they placed leaves at the top of the jars. They spent a week observing the activity of the worms as they took leaves from the top and travelled through the jar. Our Pr.1 pupils are proving to be experts and could talk quite confidently about the important work worms do in our garden. The boys and girls wrote terrific recounts and explanations about their wormery. The boys and girls finally released their worms back into the garden where they will continue to do their great work improving the soil. Great work boys and girls!!
Our green fingered Pr.1 pupils
There was great excitement when our Pr.1 pupils went outside to place their bean plants in our new greenhouse. Everyone is looking forward to planting them in the ground after Easter. They will need canes to support them as they will grow really tall.
Room 11 pupils working for St.Andrew’s Hospice
Daffodil Tea
Our Daffodil Tea for parents and grandparents will take place tomorrow at 11.00am. All proceeds will go to St.Andrew’s Hospice along with the sum raised at our Easter Bonnet Parade.
Raising Money for Charity
The boys and girls of the Global Citizens Committee raised the staggering sum of £614.50 thanks to their fund raising work and the contribution made by the pupils of Room 3. The money will be sent to the San Juan Apostol School in Arequipa, Peru. Quite an achievement boys and girls.
Easter Egg Challenge
The school was delighted with the support from the pupils of Pr. 4 – 7 who responded magnificently to the Egg Challenge. Classes used time in the morning to decorate their eggs in preparation for the competition in the afternoon. Poor Mrs.McKeown and Mrs.Redmond had a real challenge on their hands as they had the responsibility of judging the competition. Great work boys and girls because everybody did a marvellous job!! The standard was so high!
Easter Egg Bonnet Parade
The school was delighted to see so many parents and grandparents come along to join in and celebrate with the boys and girls as they had their traditional Easter Bonnet Parade. Well done to everyone for the great effort that was put into creating such masterpieces. They really were quite amazing!! Miss Ross has become our official photographer so as you can see there were lots of pictures taken on the day to record the event.