All posts by Mrs Ewing

Room 15 do the Charleston

A whistle-stop tour of dancing from back in the time of WW1.

The children have thoroughly enjoyed it!

“It was fun and I liked the step-hop bit” Lucia

“My favourite bit was doing the step-hop bit” Jamie

“I like how joyful and cheery the music is” Holly

”I liked the castle walk dance, the bit when we go round in circles” Jay


MacMillan Coffee Morning 28/09/18

Miss Devoy and Room 13 worked very hard last week to organise a fantastic MacMillan Coffee Morning within the school. It came with the usual array of entertainment and let’s not forget the ‘The Great St Augustine’s Bake Off’. The children in Room 13 worked hard to prepare a song showcasing their admiration for the nurses and the fighters and survivors. We had some fantastic entries from children throughout the school for our Bake Off, from Unicorns and Books to Tree-house Tea Parties and Cheeseburgers & Chips. Thank you to all who attended and donated, we raised an amazing £552.71!