The Week Ahead

This week is a very busy week in school with several classes attending retreats in the Parish Centre and all classes heading off to Blair Drummond Safari Park.  Please check the weather forecast and ensure your child is dressed for the weather.  Let’s hope it is dry, sun would be a bonus but after this week a dry day would be great!!

Monday Pr. 4 Retreat – Parish Centre

NSPCC Workshops – 9-10 – Rm 13,

10 – 11 – Rm 16

11.15- 12.15 Rm 7

1.30 – 2.30 Rm 8

Mrs. Docherty – 1.00pm – Review Meeting

Mrs.Docherty/Mrs Elliott – 2.00pm – Annual Review Meeting with Educational Psychologist

Tuesday Pr. 7  Visit to St.Ambrose – School Show, Dress Rehearsal.

Pr. 6 Retreat – Parish Centre


Wednesday Pr. 4 and 5 BLAIR DRUMMOND

ASSEMBLY – NSPCA to speak to classes

Thursday Pr. 6 and 7 BLAIR DRUMMOND

Pr. 3 Retreat – Parish Centre

Mrs.Thomson, Miss Watt – out of school – Showcase Event 1.30- 3.30

Friday P. 7 Retreat – Parish Centre

Gladiator Rocks Basketball to carry out sessions with Pr. 5 and 6 classes. Rm 14   9 – 10, Rm 15 10 – 11, Rm 13 11.15 – 12.15 and Rm 16 1.30- 2.30.

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