Room 3 News

Room 3 have been busy this week learning about ‘Weight’ and how important this is in their lives. We discussed the importance of weighing ingredients in our school kitchen and our kitchens at home, weighing sweets at the sweet shop and we looked at different types of scales and their dials.

We also discussed the importance of the weight of our luggage when flying on an aeroplane.

We weighed some fruit and vegetables as a Greengrocer would do and spoke about the machines that weigh our shopping at the supermarkets.
Finally, we discussed how nurses and midwifes weigh babies and even how we may weigh ourselves!

We then weighed some on the tiny animals in our own class Vets surgery, and used the food from our Pet Shop to compare heavier and lighter items of pet food.

We used the Smartboard to weigh the parcels and type in the weight on the scales.

Have a look at our learning in pictures.

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