What’s on this week?

Last week was a busy time in school with all classes having a focus on National Anti-bullying Week and National Road Safety Week.  This week our attention turns to Catholic Education Week.  Last week we had the good fortune to celebrate Mass with staff and pupils from St.Ambrose High School  and to give thanks for our wonderful Catholic schools.  We thank Father Michael for making this possible  and Father McGachey for a lovely service. This year’s theme is Jesus Christ – the Way, the Truth and the Life and teachers across the school will be using the specially-produced resources from the Scottish Catholic Education Service.

A copy of this term’s latest newsletter was sent out last week via groupcall.  Please contact the school if you wish to have a paper copy.  A copy of the newsletter is available on the school website. If you did not receive a copy to your mailbox please contact the school in order that we can confirm your e-mail address.

Mon. 23rd Mrs. Docherty to cover NCCT Rm 7 and 8 – 9.00 – 9.40

Mrs. Docherty online meeting with Speech and Language Therapist – pm

Management Meeting – 3.00pm

Tues. 24th


Mrs. Docherty to cover NCCT Rm 12 and Rm14 – 9.00 – 9.40am – hall

Students / Teachers virtual meetings with university tutor -pm

Mrs. Docherty to meet Mr. J. McLaughlin- Cluster Improvement and Integration Lead- 2.00pm

Mrs. Docherty – online meeting with Education Manager  to discuss cluster plan- 3.30p

Wed. 25th



Mrs. Docherty to cover NCCT Rm 16, Rm 13 – 9.00 – 9.40am

Johnny McBrier – CST – Whole day school visit

MMElliott – delivering LIAM programme –

Mrs. Docherty/Mrs. Elliott – to meet Education Manager – 1.00pm

Mrs. Docherty to attend online meeting as  Cluster Chair –  3.30- 4.30pm

Sumdog Training event – Spelling and Grammar – 3.30 – 4.30pm – attended by several staff members


PTA – 7.15pm

Thurs. 26th



Mrs. Elliott – to meet Mrs.S. Docherty – mentor/prob.meeting – 11.15am-

Johnny McBrier – CST – Whole day school visit

Mrs. Docherty to attend Cluster Meeting – 3.30pm – St.Ambrose

Frid. 27th Miss Livingston to cover Rm 2 – am

Miss Livingston to cover Rm 8

DKinniburgh – Educational Psychologist  – nursery and school visit

Committee Meetings – pm



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