What’s on this Week?

Mon. 28th Mrs. Docherty to cover Rm 7 and 8 – am

Mrs.  Longyear -attending Literacy training 1.30 – 3.30pm Mrs. McGlone to cover class

Mrs.Elliott tracking meetings with Pr. 1staff – pm

Tues. 29th Mrs. Docherty to cover Rm 12 and Rm14 -am

Mrs.Docherty – tracking meetings – with teaching staff – all day

Mrs.Elliott – tracking meetings with staff – all day

Mrs. Elliott – class observation Rm 16 – 9.20am

Mr.  McBrier – Curricular Support Teacher – whole day school visit –

Wed. 30th


Mrs. Docherty to cover Rm 16, Rm 13 – am

Mrs.Docherty – tracking meetings – with teaching staff – all day

Mrs.Elliott – tracking meetings – with teaching staff – all day

Mr. McBrier – CST – Whole day school visit-

Mrs. Elliott – delivering LIAM programme – pm

Mrs. Docherty to attend retirement mass for Mrs. Ellen Douglas –HT St.Ambrose – 7.00pm at St.Augustine’s Church

Thurs. 1st Oct Mrs. Elliott – to cover NCCT – Rm 9 and 10 – am

Mrs. Elliott – to meet Mrs. S. Docherty – mentor/prob.meeting – 11.15am

Mrs. Docherty – cluster meeting – St.Ambrose – 3.30pm

Mrs.Docherty – tracking meetings – with teaching staff – am

Mrs.Elliott – tracking meetings – with teaching staff – pm

Mrs. McGlone to cover KRoss/Rm 2 – 40 min agreed slot

Mr. Mullen- Digital Champion to attend training session- 3.30pm – Assessment, Pedagogy, Forms, OneNote

Frid. 2nd Non Uniform Day -Bring a Tin to School

Committee Meetings – pm – whole school

Mrs. Docherty to attend virtual consultation meeting – nursery  – 1.00pm

Miss Livingston to cover Rm 2 – am

Miss Livingston to cover Rm 8 – 12.00 – 12.45 and from 1.30- 3.00.

Lunch time cover – Miss Ross (Acting PT) – 12.00 – 12.45

Mrs. Drummond  (Acting PT) 12.45 – 1.30

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