What’s on this week?

Please ensure your child wears a jacket to school as they will be outside for breaks unless we have exceptional weather conditions.  Children should have a jacket that has a hood should it rain.

Mon. 24th Mrs.Docherty –to provide cover in the nursery – 12.15 – 1.00pm


Tues. 25th Mrs. Docherty/Mrs. Elliott to visit Nursery – 3.00pm – pastoral updates/Planning with Lead Practitioner Vicki Dunn

Mr. Johnny McBrier – Curricular Support Teacher – whole day school visit

Wed. 26th Meeting – Mrs. Docherty/ Mrs. Scott/Mrs. Rankin – 10.30 – 11.30 – review of clerical remits

Johnny McBrier – CST – Whole day school visit

Thurs. 27th Education Manager Jill Woodward to meet Mrs Docherty and Mrs.Elliott – 9.30am

Pr. 7 – Return of Gaelic football- this will take place outside – children to dress for outdoors sports and wear a waterproof jacket

Frid. 28th Mrs. Docherty – nursery visit – am

MissRoss – Nursery visit – pm

Mrs. McGlone to cover Room 4

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