Week Beg. 26th May

We hope you all enjoyed a peaceful and rested holiday weekend?  Whilst it may not have been a holiday weekend like ones experienced in the not too distant past (with day trips, large family gatherings, trips to the shops, meals out etc) we hope it was a weekend in which you could treasure and spend quality time with the people who mean the most to you.  For many members of our school community the pace of life may have slowed leading to new ways of working and changes to  daily routines whilst for many others they may have found that their work routine has provided more pressure and added challenges.  Everyone in our community has felt the impact of this virus on their day to day life and many may have sadly been  more directly impacted  and we keep them in our prayers.  Our children are now  feeling the impact of being away from school and experiencing  so many weeks without seeing friends and extended family.  These unprecedented times have impacted upon us all but please be assured that, we, as a school community are here to support as much as possible during these trying times.  Please don’t hesitate to contact  myself for advice or support. From the outset of lockdown we have perfectly  understood the challenges that every household may be experiencing whilst also meeting the needs of your child/ren.  This has been no mean feat and we applaud your efforts to engage with remote learning and to encourage your children to continue their studies.  The response of the children, their level of engagement, their motivation and continued good spirit has been an inspiration to all staff and is all the motivation we need to continue.  Please remember to check glow for teacher updates and encourage your child to say hi.  We love and miss every child and look forward to planning their return to school in August.  Further updates will follow in terms of how this will look for the new term.  Please check the school blog, twitter and school Facebook for updates.

Please continue to take care and God Bless

Mrs C.Docherty

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