Week beg. 11th May

Monday is an in-service day for staff so please don’t expect your child to work from home as they would have had the day off school under normal circumstances.  I am sure that will be welcome news  for everyone.  As stated in previous posts we don’t under estimate the challenges taking place in family homes as you  try to attend to online learning, home schooling, working from home and attending to a busy household.  It really is multi-tasking on a grand scale.   Please  aim to work with your child and formulate a timetable for the week ahead that is both manageable and achievable. Children do love and need a routine even in these strange times.  Please be assured that we fully appreciate the challenges this has presented over the past weeks.  We all live in households with family members working from home alongside children looking for your constant attention and the need to be fed!!

Please be aware that teachers may have uploaded work for the week ahead or may wait until Tuesday to post.

Please encourage your child to leave a comment – even if only to say hi so we know they have been online.

Please remember we are missing everyone and are looking forward – as you must be – to the time when we can all return to school.


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