Week beg 4th May

Our start to May is a very different one than usual as we continue to experience life in lockdown amid the trials and tribulations of home schooling whether a teacher, pupil or parent.  It has been a challenge for all but one that has provided unexpected gains in so many ways. Not least the amount of family time we are all experiencing.  Teachers remain committed to their duties and are daily and weekly uploading work onto glow and sharepoint to ensure children have a focus and are keeping on top of their learning.  It has been great to see so many children saying hi and uploading pictures to share their experiences.  We don’t doubt for a second how much they are missing their friends.  Please aim at the beginning of the week to review the set work, say hi on glow and jointly make a timetable that is both  flexible and achievable amid the demands of your busy household. We really do appreciate the challenges that learning at home is creating for so many of you. Please be assured that what you are doing will make a difference and will support your child’s learning.  Thank you for working with us to support your children’s learning at home.

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