Our week ahead involves spending time away from school and once again all teachers are on hand to ensure children are engaged in their learning and remain on track. Teachers are uploading work to glow on a weekly and daily basis and are readily available to give feedback and to chat. We understand that supporting your child’s learning at home will present it’s own challenges as you possibly may be juggling your own work demands, the care of younger children and managing the use of an electronic device that has to be shared among siblings. This is no easy undertaking and all while sharing the same space. Please sit with your child/children and make your own timetable for the week ahead. Review the activities/challenges set by your child’s teacher and agree what is the focus for the week ahead. We don’t want anyone to feel overwhelmed or under pressure. Keeping your child/children safe and happy is the priority. Remember there are plenty of fun experiences that you can oversee at home that are opportunities for learning and developing essential life skills – setting he table, washing the dishes, making the bed, tidying up, riding a bike, baking, cooking, gardening. Please encourage your child to pursue their own interests and develop how this can be shared- notes, mind map, journal, video , pictures etc. It has been great to see that so many of our children are developing great skills and effectively developing as independent learners.
Wednesday is International Dance Day so get your dancing shoes on! Please send us some clips of your moves.
Thursday is International Guide Dog Day. Can you write a fact file about Guide Dogs?
Please know that we love and miss everyone!
Take care, stay safe and enjoy the week ahead.