Learning from Home – our new normal!

Hello everyone, I hope we find you all safe and well and adjusting to a new normal. It has been a priviledge to see the level of commitment shown across our school community as so many of our families find themselves working from home and home schooling their children. We don’t under estimate your challenge. We are all involved in a global pandemic that has impacted upon all our lives in some way. Teaching staff have been on hand all week and have readily communicated with pupils and reassured them at a time when everything is so new and strange for us all. I am sure you agree with me in saying they have done a marvellous job and have kept your children very busy. Glow has made contact between pupils,  parents and teachers possible and has  enabled us to guide children on the great many activities/learning they can participate in while also affording them an opportunity to share their own creative ways of spending their time at home.  It has been most entertaining. Please encourage your children to post a comment when they are on glow and to let their teacher know what they have been up to.  It is good to stay in touch.  Please remember to regulary check our school blog for news.  Our last post provided important information about the issuing of vouchers for pupils in receipt of free school meals.

I am happy to respond to any direct e-mails to myself if there is anything you wish assistance with in the forthcoming weeks.

Please take care and God Bless

Caroline Docherty

3 thoughts on “Learning from Home – our new normal!”

  1. Hiya I am going on daily to see if there is anything for primary 2 but to be honest I am rubbish with all this and don’t know how to work it properly is there an email address for each teacher where we can contact the class teacher to check what they should be working on?

    Thank you xx

  2. Hi Caroline it’s Rebecca Mcdonald Kyle Allison’s mum. I have been trying to get into glow Helen sent me over a username and password but it’s saying it’s incorrect would you be able to confirm it for me please I have been trying my hardest to red to Kyle we do numbers on the white board and also learning to write his name because he’s so behind I’m trying to do my best to help him out so would love to see how he would like glow. Hope your keeping well, Rebecca x

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