Christmas Show

Wednesday evening was the final performance of our Christmas Nativity ‘Manger Mouse’ and our Christmas Concert.  Both Tuesday and Wednesday were a sell out with great reviews coming from the parents and grandparents who came along to see the performances. Wednesday evening’s performance was a big exciting night for everyone with children particularly enjoying the thrill of being in the school at night time.  We have a few pictures below that capture the spirit of the evening.

2 thoughts on “Christmas Show”

  1. Thoroughly enjoyed Wednesday night. The children really put on an amazing performance and you could sense how much they all enjoyed it as well.
    Thank you Mrs Docherty and your staff for putting on an evening performance (I know how busy you all are !). It really meant a lot of people who simply can’t get time off work got an opportunity to see their child perform.
    I also loved that you showcased the amazing musical talent you have in the school. The young pianist and accordian player were simply wonderful!

    1. Thank you Liz Ann for taking the time to let us know how much you enjoyed yourself on Wednesday. I am delighted that the staff were able to support the school and enable an evening performance to go ahead as it really did mean so much to parents who would otherwise not have seen their child perform. The talent in the school is amazing and I take great delight in providing them with every opportunity to showcase their talents. Both Jarlath and Matthew are very talented boys. I will pass on your compliments.

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