NL Animation Class

ARE YOUR KIDS movie buffs? Then help them create their own films with thePhotomedia Studio Lego Animation Workshop, running Mon 15 and Wed 17 Oct, from11am-3pm, at Summerlee Museum.
Open to 8-13 year olds, the workshops teach backdrop creation, as well as audio and film editing; using iMovie or HUE animation.
On the day, participants create characters and storylines to enlivenLego, with animation, music and sound, before the final video is uploaded toVimeo – for students to showcase at home.
Spaces go fast on animation workshops, so advanced booking is required.
To book a place call 01236 632828.
Lego Animation Workshops
Summerlee Museum Photomedia Studio
Mon 15 and Wed 17 Oct
8-13 years

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