What’s on this Week?

Our week ahead is a busy one and also a very important one for St.Augustine’s School.   We pray for our Pr. 6 and 7 pupils who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Monday evening.  This week  we also share our ongoing improvement agenda with HMI who will visit the school on Wednesday and Thursday.  We hope they will be suitably impressed with all the great work that is taking place across the school.  A glimpse through our school blog gives a flavour of all the wonderful learning opportunities that are provided for all and reflects the many achievements of St.Augustine’s pupils both in school and beyond.  We are proud of our school and we hope HMI will agree with us that our improvement agenda is impacting positively upon all our children.

Monday 9.20 – Whole school end of month assembly delivered by our new Pr.7  House Captains and Vice Captains

Mrs.Docherty/ Mrs.Elliott meeting with Mrs.O’Donohue (new staff member) – 11.00am

Possible Confirmation rehearsal 1.30 – 3.00pm


Confirmation Service – St.Augustine’s Church 7.00pm.  Children to wear school uniform (shirt and tie).  Sponsors will be directed to the seat on arrival at the church.

Wednesday Follow up inspection visit by HMI (2 days).

9.00 – 10.00 Mrs.Docherty, Mrs.Elliott – to present to HMI on school improvement agenda

Mrs. Elaine O’Donohue to join staff team

St.Ambrose Sports Leaders 9.00 – 10.00 Hockey Pr. 6



Reading Quiz – Mrs.Elliott to escort team to event – am

Reconciliation Practice Pr. 3 – 1.30pm – Church



Friday First Friday Mass Pr. 4 – 5

Literacy Dress Up( as a character from fiction) Assembly Pr. 1 – 3 – 11.15am. Parents invited

Pyjama themed readathon – Pr. 4 – 7

Credit Union Collection Day

Rag Bag Collection Day


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