The Week Ahead

This week will be a very busy and extremely active week as we have a strong focus on Health and Wellbeing. Our Health week will see a variety of visitors come to the school to encourage our children to be more active and to pursue a healthy lifestyle. On Monday dance coach Audrey Clark will visit the school to work with Pr.1 – 3 on a wide variety of dance moves to get everyone on their feet. I am hopeful that Audrey will be able to work with our Pr.4 – 7 pupils at a later date. Tuesday will see staff from Frankie and Benny’s come to the school to work with children from Pr4 – 7 on creating healthy menus and also to get involved with some aerobics exercises. Our Active Sports co-ordinator Vikki Sadler will visit the school on Tuesday to take our Pr.1 – 3 pupils on a variety of outdoor activities. Children will also follow their P.E. programme that promotes active engagement in a wide variety of activities. On Wednesday the school will welcome Dogs Trust who will deliver presentations throughout the school. As this is National Walk to School Week we are hopeful that more of our children will make the effort to walk to school everyday. Please support our Health Week by reminding pupils to bring their P.E. kit to school and to eat healthy snacks this week. Our fingers are crossed that the weather will remain favourable and permit us to make full use of the school grounds throughout the week.

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