What’s on this week at St.Augustine’s?



Assembly – Pr.6 and 7 pupils – 9.00 – 9.40am  Mrs. Docherty –  hall.

Jillian Mortimer – PGDE – placement Rm 15, 25.4 – 27.5

Scottish National Standardised Assessments  – Pr. 7 – Mrs Elliott(am), Mrs Drummond (pm)

DGillooly to cover Rm 10 – pm

Pr. 4 – Church visit – pm

LIAM Programme-Mrs Elliott

Tues 26th


Assembly – Pr.2 and 3  pupils – 9.00 – 9.40am  Mrs. Elliott- hall.

11.15 am LIAM programme – Mrs Elliott

Pr. 4 Church visit – pm

Fluoride varnish – 9.30 – Nursery, Pr. 1 – 4.

Wed.27th Assembly – Pr. 4- 5 pupils – 9.10 – 9.50am  Mrs. Docherty- hall

Mr s Elliott-Literacy Profile Assessments (am)

Celtic Foundation – 6 week programme

9-9.45 in P6 Room 15 then to hall at 9.45 am until 10.30am.

10.30 am- 11 am to Room 12 P6/7 in class then to hall after interval until just before 12 noon. (or other way round hall then class?)

1.30pm in hall with P7 Room 9 then to class for 2.15pm until 3pm. This is the last week

Provide updates for Friday assembly – confirm dancers, gymnasts, etc who will participate in the assembly


Thurs 28th Assembly Pr. 1 and 2 pupils 9.15 -9.50- Mrs Elliott – hall

Pr. 7 Rm 9 – Summerlee Heritage Museum visit

Vision screening – eye test – catch up for missed children

Room 6 to be used as HWB Base for cluster – Johnny McBrier to work from this base. Several children from cluster primaries and two of our own children will work from the base for the next 8 weeks- Odyssey Project to support transition for Pr. 6 pupils every Thursday.  Impact on Rainbow Reading session – children to re-locate and use another base (Rm 11) for this slot.

Mrs Docherty  and Mrs Elliott to attend West Partnership – Assessment and Moderation Workshop 3.45 – 5.00pm

Pr. 4 – Church visit – pm

Frid 29th Mrs Docherty to carry  out absence review meetings 9.15 and 9.45am

Mrs  Elliott/Mrs  Drummond-continue with P7 SNSAs

End of month assembly – This will be a full assembly in the school hall.  It would be good to have children showcase their clubs – so we are looking for dancers, gymnasts, karate, musicians to showcase their talents as we have not seen children perform for a long time.  .


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