Week beg. 18th May

Another week of remote learning lies ahead for us all and we are delighted that so many of our children are engaging with glow and completing the tasks set by their teachers.  It is not easy keeping momentum going at home but we are astounded on a weekly basis by the commitment shown by our children to their studies.  The support of yourselves as parents has never been more crucial to provide encouragement and guidance to your children in these unprecedented times. There is no doubt your children are developing and displaying great skills as successful learners, responsible citizens, effective contributors and confident individuals.  We sincerely thank you for your support since the 23rd of March and kindly ask that you continue to work in partnership with ourselves and encourage your child(ren) to enage in their studies at home and to keep them on track in their learning.  As we have said many times before we don’t doubt the challenges that this involves at home as you juggle your own work, younger family members and not to forget the constant round of cleaning, shopping and meal preparation. Please review what tasks have been set by your child’s teacher and make a timetable that suits your family and do what is achievable.  We don’t want any family to feel pressured or overwhelmed.  Please take care, stay safe and connected.

God Bless

Mrs C.Docherty

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