What’s on this Week?

Monday ASSEMBLY – 9.20am Mrs. Docherty

Vikki Atkinson – Sports Leaders Training

Mark Haughey – work experience

Visit by Scotrail 10 – 11, 11.15 – 12.30 Drama workshops with Pr. 7

PGDE Students to commence placement 21.10 – 27.11

Chantelle Lambie – Pr. 2, Room 4

Alanna Reid – Pr. 3/ 4 Room 11

Samantha Hamill Pr. 4 – Room 9

Marianne Walker – Pr. 5, Room 15 – Serial Practice week beg.21.10 – 6.12 (23rd Oct. 5th, 14th , 27th Nov, 3rd Dec)

Mrs. Docherty/Mrs. Elliott – jotter monitoring – class visits – am (Rm 1 – 4 – CD, Rm 9 – 12- MME)

Mrs. McGlone – Read, Write Inc training – pm

Mrs. Docherty – planning and tracking meeting – Mrs. Gillooly – 2.10pm, Mrs.Doyle 3.00pm

Tuesday Mark Haughey – work experience

Mrs. Docherty – monitoring jotters – am – Room 7 & 8

Mrs. Elliott – Planning and tracking meeting – Mrs. Ewing 10.00am, Mr. O’Dowd – 11.15am

Mrs. Docherty – Planning and tracking meeting – 1.30pm – Mrs. McMillan, 2.10pm – Miss Watt, 3.00pm Mrs. Drummond

Wednesday ASSEMBLIES – 9.20am – Pr. 3 – 4 Mrs. Fraser

10.45am – Pr. 1 – 2 Mrs. Elliott

Mrs. Docherty – monitoring jotters Rm 13 and 15 – am

Mrs. Elliott – monitoring jotters Rm 16 – pm

Mrs. Kinniburgh (Educ. Psch) – school visit

Thursday Football Festival – St.Ambrose 10 – 12 , selected Pr. 5,6,and 7 pupils

Mrs. Docherty –Planning and tracking meeting –Miss Ross – 9.00am, Mrs. Hanlon – 10.00am

Mrs. Elliott – Planning and tracking meeting Mrs. O’Donohue – 2.10pm

Mrs. Docherty to attend meeting  3.30pm -out of school

HALLOWEEN DISCO – Pr. 1 – 3, 6 – 7.15pm

Pr. 4 – 7 , 7.30 – 8.45pm


Friday Mrs. Docherty – class observation – Room 15 – 9.00am

Claire Ramsay – Speech and Language Therapist – school visit

END OF MONTH ASSEMBLY – 11.30am – awards for Sept/Oct.


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