End of Month Assembly

On Friday we held our first end of month assembly of the new school  year hosted by our fantastic new House Captains.  We welcomed our new P1 children and congratulated them on an amazing start to life at St Augustine’s Primary School.  They really are superstars!

We celebrated our wonderful maths stars, artists of the month and writers of the month – well done to everyone who received an award.

We shared upcoming events and agreed as school that in order to achieve our Silver award for being a Rights Respecting School we need to show each other RESPECT.  Our mission ongoing is to try our best to show respect to each other.  We are going to make sure we don’t leave anyone out of games and treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves.

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One thought on “End of Month Assembly”

  1. Well done grace! I’m guessing this means she’s settling into school as she mentioned nothing about winning anything at assembly and I found out here! 👍

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