What’s on this Week?

Last week there was a whole school focus on all things financial with classes across the school engaged in workshops and lessons around financial education.  There were many important life skills being addressed at all stages with children developing a growing awareness of the cost of living and managing a budget.  This week our whole school focus is in line with two national awareness raising events.  Safer Internet Week and Children’s Mental Health Week.  Assemblies and lessons will have a clear focus on the  importance of looking after our body and mind and learning about how to stay safe online.

Monday Several Post Graduate Diploma in Education students from – Strathclyde University will join us for a  5 week placement – 4.2 – 8.3.19

ASSEMBLY – 9.20 – Mrs. Fraser to deliver – Pr. 5 – 7

Mrs. Docherty to attend Family Group Showcase event – Park Street – am

Mrs.Docherty to attend Multi-Agency Meeting-  2.00pm.

This week the Senior Management Team will be monitoring pupil jotters across the school

Multi – Sports Afterschool Club Pr. 3 – 4

Tuesday Patricia Alexander to visit Mrs. Docherty/Mrs. Elliott – analysing data – 9.30

Visit by CAMHS team – am

Miss Devoy – out pm – application and interviews

Mrs. Elder to attend Pedagogy Practitioner Training 3.30 – 5.00


Wednesday Jackie McLean – Tree of Knowledge to meet Mrs. Docherty and Mrs.Elliott –  9.15

ASSEMBLIES – Pr. 1 and 2 (10.45 – 11.25) Mrs.Elliott , Pr. 3 and 4 (9.20 – 10.00) – Mrs. Fraser

Class Observation – Rm 12 – 11.15 – Mrs. Docherty

Numeracy Coach Training – Mrs.Drummond – am

S6 Sports Leaders – pre-placement visit 9.15 – 10.15 – to start – 20.2 – Pr. 6

Parent  to meet Mrs. Murphy – 3.00pm

Miss Ross to attend Assessment and Moderation Training – 3.00- 5.00pm

Mrs.Elliott  – in-service  training – 3.10pm


Thursday Miss Jamieson – out pm – application and interviews

Gaelic football training – Pr. 6 – am

Cricket coaching – pm – Pr. 7 and Pr. 6/7

Class observation Rm 16 – 1.30pm – Mrs.Docherty

Mrs. Elliott – out of school pm – Dyscalculia Training

Friday Final Payment due for York




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