What’s on this Week?

Monday INFANT REGISTRATIONS – appointments for Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott

ASSEMBLY – 9.20 – Mrs. Docherty – Pr. 5 – 7

Netball League commences 10 – 12 . Sir Matt Busby Centre, Mrs. Elliott’s team

Multi – Sports Afterschool Club Pr. 3 – 4


Tuesday INFANT REGISTRATIONS – appointments for Mrs.Docherty and Mrs. Elliott

School visit by Visual Impairment Teacher – 11.00am

Pr.1 and 2 Assembly –Mrs. Elliott – 10.45am

Engineer – Site Visit – Proposed Nursery 1.30pm

Netball Afterschool Club

Wednesday ASSEMBLY, Pr. 3 and 4 (9.20 – 10.00) – Mrs. Fraser

Mrs. Elliott to attend day 2of LIAM (Low intensity Anxiety Management) training

Mrs. Docherty to attend Locality Head Teacher Meeting – all day

Assessment and Moderation training – Miss Ross 3.30 – 5.30pm

Thursday INFANT REGISTRATIONS – appointments for Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott

Joe Bradley to resume Gaelic football training – Pr. 6 – am

Mrs. Docherty – meeting Vikki Sadler – 10.00am

Cricket coaching – pm – Pr. 5 and Pr. 5/6

Mrs. O’Donohue to attend RE co-ordinators meeting- St.Bride’s Hall 3 – 4pm. Mrs. Docherty to cover 2.30pm

Mrs. Elder to attend practitioner enquiry training – 1.30 -3.30. Mrs. Fraser to cover

Nurture Reconnector Session – MMElliott – Coatbridge Community Centre – 2 – 4pm

Friday INFANT REGISTRATIONS  – appointments for Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott

COMMITTEE MEETINGS, Vikki Sadler to attend Health Committee meeting


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