Breakfast Club News

As part of the approved Budget Motion in February 2018, the Council agreed the expansion of breakfast services to all primary schools.

The cost for one child per day is £1.00. There will be no charge for pupils in receipt of free school meals. There is an agreed payment structure for families who have more than one child at school and wish them to make use of the breakfast club. The till will have 3 breakfast buttons. One child £1, 2 children £1.50 and 3 children £1.80 per day.

Please ensure you have completed a Free School Meals Entitlement Form and sent it on to First Stop Shop, Cumbernauld if you feel you may qualify for this service.

Staff within the Service are currently working to identify the children who as part of the universal P1-3 free school meals are not required to pay for the breakfast club if used.

Our breakfast club will commence on Monday 20th August from 8.15am.


4 thoughts on “Breakfast Club News”

  1. Do you have to put money on card or can you hand in cash? If it is money on card could we get some information as how to top up cards again. Also, do children use the main entrance of the school?
    Many Thanks

    1. Hi Nicola, We will arrange for letters to be issued reminding parents about how to top up cards using the online payment system. Children enter school at 8.15 through the main entrance.

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