What’s on This Week?

This week we are busy preparing for the birth of Christ.  Mass will be celebrated at 8.30am in St.Augustine’s Church each morning.  Both Father Kane and Father Travers will visit the school to hear Confessions this week. Our school choir will be out and about carol singing this week.  The whole school will attend a Christmas service on Friday and all parents and grandparents are welcome to come along and join us.

Please note children may be picked up from the front foyer at 12.00 if they  are going home to get ready for their Christmas party. Lunch times remain unchanged this week.

Monday Assembly – 9.15 – Pr. 5 – 7 – Mrs.Docherty

10.15 – Mrs.Docherty to meet Vikki Sadler (Active Sports Co-ordinator)

1.30pm – Irene Morton – Nexus Rep – Mrs.Docherty, Mrs. Elliott

2.00pm- Mrs. Docherty and Mrs. Elliott interviewing for job share post.

Tuesday Confessions – 9.15 am Father Kane – Pr. 6 and 7

Mrs.Docherty to attend Social Work,Kildonan Street – am meetings

Mrs. Docherty to attend meeting  – 2.00pm


Wednesday Confessions – Father Travers – 11.00 onwards – Pr.4 and 5

ASSEMBLY – Pr. 3 – 4 – 9.15 – Mrs. Fraser, 10.45 – 11.25 – Pr. 1 & 2, Mrs. Elliott


Thursday CHRISTMAS PARTY – Pr. 1,2,& 3
Friday CHRISTMAS SERVICE – 10.00am

School closes at 2.30pm



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