Launch of Anti-Bullying Week

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This week there will be a whole school focus as it is Anti-Bullying Week.  This year’s theme is All Different, All Equal. At our assembly this morning we talked about why our school is unique and what makes us so special.  Everyone recognized that we are all different and have different interests and talents that all contribute to making us unique.  Celebrating our differences is important and we should ensure that everyone is treated with respect as we are all equal.  This will be the focus of work taking place in classes across the school this week.  At our assembly this morning PC Anneka joined us to talk about bullying behaviour, what it is, what impact it has on individuals and what we can do about it.  Learning to be tolerant of others and showing kindness and understanding will go a long way to ensuring all children feel equal and that the things that make us different are something to be celebrated.  Let’s hope this message is heard by everyone in our school community this week.


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