What’s Happening this Week?

Our week ahead is extremely busy with events taking place around our world of work week.  On Wednesday we have our Careers Fair for classes to visit in the afternoon.  Our exhibitors will remain in school from 3 – 4 so parents and grandparents can pop into the hall to see what we have all been up to.  Many thanks already to the parents who have responded to our request and have agreed to come along to the Careers Fair and talk about their businesses and jobs.  We are sure the children will have plenty of questions.  On Thursday we welcome our new entrants to the school for the first of their Induction afternoons.  We are all looking forward to welcomng both children and parents to our community of faith and learning.

Monday Mrs. Rankin – out of school

Football Festival – St.Ambrose 10 – 12, Pr.5 team, Pr.6 team, Pr.7 team, Pr.5 – 7 girls team

Class visits by Mrs.Docherty, Mrs.Elliott – Rm 3 and Rm 4

Mrs. Docherty – Social Work Meeting – pm


Tuesday Class visits by Mrs.Docherty, Mrs.Elliott – Rm 6,10, 11,12

Pr.7 Visit to New Lanark College – 1.00pm.

Mrs. Docherty – attending training session– Computer Centre

Wednesday CAREERS FAIR – 1.00pm.

Early Lunch 12.20 – 1.00pm. Infants to go to hall at 12.00 and classes called thereafter

Staff Meeting – Planning and Moderation Meetings


NEW ENTRANT INDUCTION AFTERNOON – Father Kane to speak 2.30pm

Class Visit  – Rm 16

Miss Watt – Attainment Challenge 1.30 – 4.00

Mrs. Drummond – out of school – pm

SDoyle to start filming of Pr.7 for leavers DVD

Friday SDoyle – to continue filming Pr.7

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