Week Ahead

Tuesday Fiona Whitelaw – student – 17.4- 28.4 – Rm 11

Parents appointment –Mrs. Drummond, Mrs. Hanlon – 3.00pm

Mrs. Hart – return to work – phased return

Wednesday Developing professional judgement – achievement of a level – Mrs. Elder to attend training session – 9.30 – 12.30
Thursday Vikki Sadler, Active Sports Co-ordinator – 2.00pm meeting Mrs. Docherty

Mrs.Thomson – to attend attainment challenge 1.30 – 4.00

Friday Mrs. Docherty/ Mrs. Elliott– meeting Mrs. Kinniburgh, Educational Psychologist – review of practice level agreement, review of existing case files, planning for term ahead, in-service

Committee Meetings

PTA FAMILY CEILIDH – School hall 7.00pm. This is a BYOB event.

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