What’s on this week?

This week is a momentous week for everyone who is part of our community of faith and learning as we celebrate our Golden Jubilee.  We commence our programme of celebrations with Holy Mass on Monday and will be joined by former teachers who served the school in the past.  On Wednesday afternoon and Thursday evening we will have our school show “A Blast from the Past.’ Tickets are available from the school office.

Monday Miss Brolly to cover Room 3 for Mat Leave

Finals day – Netball

Mrs. Elliott – out – am – Wave 3 training


Early Lunch – 12.00 – 12.45pm

Pope Francis Verification Meeting 2.00- 4.00pm. Mrs.Dummond to attend


Tuesday Hopscotch Theatre Company – ‘Scotland the Nation of Innovation” – 1.30pm. Early Lunch – 12.15 – 1.00pm.   Show to start 1.30pm – whole school.
Wednesday JUBILEE CONCERT – 1.00pm.

EARLY LUNCH – 11.30 – 12.15. Refreshments served for invited guests and staff afterwards in staff room.

Thursday Miss Thomson –in -service training – 1.30 – 4.00

Mrs. Docherty to attend meeting -out of school pm

Pr.7 to visit St.Ambrose – Fairtrade Coffee Morning

Thrilling Thursday Lenten Appeal – Silver Spiral

JUBILEE CONCERT – 7.00pm. Children to arrive 6.30pm.

Friday We can collapse in a heap!!!

OWN CLOTHES DAY – Lenten charity

Movie Morning across the school to celebrate and rest after a very busy week.

Committee Meetings – pm – VSadler to join Health Committee

Mrs. Docherty –review meeting – 3.00pm

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