imagesThe Season of Advent is now upon us and we are asked to prepare for the Birth of Jesus by renewing our commitment to Christ the Lord through prayer, penance and actions of faith. To support us on this Advent Journey we are asked to make an effort to attend Holy Mass before the start of our school day.  Father Kane and Father Travers will serve Mass at 8.40am each morning in St.Augustine’s Church.  In school Mrs.Lally will lead a short prayer service each Thursday at 8.45am in the school music room, parents and children are most welcome to attend.  In school we will follow Father Kane’s message of making an Advent Promise to carry out a good deed, act of kindness.  This will involve the children in making their promise on paper and adding it to our undecorated Christmas Tree in the school hall.  Children can make their promise, such as ‘go to bed when I am told’, ‘be kind to someone you perhaps don’t get on with’, ‘help out more at home’, ‘go to Mass during Advent’ and add their completed decoration and promise to the tree.  Hopefully our Christmas Tree will be alive with the promises of our children to make a difference and we can give the Christ Child the kind of gifts/presents he longs to receive – our good deeds and kindness to others throughout Advent.

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