The Week Ahead

images-4This week is Health Week with a packed timetable for the whole school.  All of the timetabled slots for P.E. have been filled with visiting specialists who will be delivering taster sessions such as Tae Kwon Do and basketball.  Vikki Sadler our active sports co-ordinator will be running a mini olympics for our Pr.1 – 3 pupils.  Visiting specialists will work with a variety of classes across the school and include Scotmid, Specsavers, Heartstart training, Dogs Trust, Action for Safe Play, NL I Can Cook.  Pupils from St.Ambrose will also be supporting and leading some of this weeks activities. Many of our visitors will start the beginning of our focus on Heartstart across the school and the development of our Focus on Food programme.  Please remind children to bring their P.E kit to school everyday.  Many thanks to Miss Ross for her great work in organising such a packed week of activities and learning opportunities.

Monday Mr. O’Dowd – paternity leave, Mr.Clarke to cover class

Monitoring programme to continue – Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott

Staff Meeting – VSadler to introduce herself

PFFA – Parish Liaison – 7 – 9.00pm

Tuesday Monitoring  programme to continue – Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott


Wednesday Visit by Moira Cummings – HMI Inspector – 10.00am.

Monitoring programme to continue – Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott

Lynsey – St.Andrew’s Hospice – workshops – Pr.4 – 7

NETBALL – Afterschool club

Thursday Monitoring programme to continue – Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott

Miss Watt and Mrs Thomson – Supporting Children with Literacy Difficulties – Pr.4 – 7

Mrs.Docherty – Meeting – Speech and Language Therapists – Scottish Attainment Challenge – 1.30pm

Developing Young Workforce – Session 2 – Townhead Community Centre – Mrs.Docherty – 3.45- 5.15pm

BADMINTON afterschool club

Friday Mrs.Elliott – out all day – ADHD training

First Friday Mass – Pr.1 Welcome Mass

Tea in school afterwards for Pr.1 parents


4 thoughts on “The Week Ahead”

  1. I see there is a meeting regarding the Pope Francis Faith a Award on Monday evening. Is this in the school and are the children supposed to attend or is it just for parents?

    1. Hi Liz Ann, It is not for the pupils this was involving the parish. My apologies I should have removed this. Primary 6 pupils will be notified shortly in regard of the Pope Francis Faith Award enrolment Mass. Caroline

  2. I see there is a parish liaison meeting on Monday night for the Pope Francis Faith Award. Is this for the new primary six children and their parents?

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