The National Parent Forum of Scotland

Parents, Carers and family members; we want your views

This review asks for your opinion on the impact, successes and failings of the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006.  This includes looking at how well schools involve parents in what they do, and finding ideas to develop ways to better involve parents in the life and work of their schools. It is also hoped that it will inspire everyone to look at the most effective way of helping parents support children in Scottish schools.

A ‘Call for Evidence’ is a way to ask the public what they think,  gather information on what issues exist, and suggest ways of dealing with them.  It includes set questions, but can also involve people describing what their experience has been, or what their opinions are.

This call for evidence asks for your views as a parent.

It can be completed via online survey here
Paper copies can downloaded and printed out to be emailed or posted back, from here.  Or we can send you a copy.
You can contact the NPFS on 0131 313 8842 or by emailing
If you would like to return your paper copy to us please send them to Review Team, NPFS,  Rosebery House, 9 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh, EH12 5EZ
If you would like help completing the questionnaire please get in touch.

The survey will close on October 31st

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