Pr.7 Retreat

Our Primary 7 pupils and excellent school ambassadors left the school campus today to attend their Retreat at St.Augustine’s Parish Centre.  They started off the school day with Mass up the stairs in the centre  and then took part in a workshop finding out about famous Christians who put their faith into action everyday.  Afterwards they got the oportunity to present their findings to their peers.  Thanks to the generosity of Father Kane and a contribution from school funds the children then enjoyed a wonderful lunch in Kairos Cafe.  The afternoon was led by Father Kane who both inspired and reflected with children upon the qualities we should look to develop in order to grow on our journey of faith and serve others.  A truly wonderful day that I am sure will leave a lasting impression on all.  The children were totally enthused with their day.  Many thanks once again to Father Kane and Miss Robertson from St.Ambrose for working in partnership with the school to plan and deliver a wonderful programme for the children.  Faith in Action!!

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