We now have seven healthy baby chicks! Matty, Bobby and Humphrey, are all enjoying living in the brooder box. On Thursday, the children cleaned out the brooder box for the first time while the chicks played in the paddling pool. Everyone also got to hold the chicks for the first time which was so exciting! We could not believe how soft they are, and they just fall asleep in your hands. Augustine also made a guest appearance at assembly on Thursday, Mrs Docherty proudly showed him off!

On Friday morning we noticed how quickly the chicks are growing, they are looking much fluffier and they each have their own personality. Kaka is definitely the leader of the group and likes to boss the other chicks around! For taught writing today, Aedan and Dominic demonstrated how to clean a brooder box, and then the boys and girls wrote up a list of instructions. They made sure the instructions were clear enough for anyone to follow – so maybe Mrs Docherty will be cleaning them next week!! Room 10 loved golden time today, and spent the whole time playing and cuddling the chicks. We have also had visitors from across the school who have been very excited to meet and hold the chicks.

At theĀ  weekend, Miss Lester looked after the chicks at home. She promises to keep everyone informed with updates and pictures!

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