The boys and girls of Room 10 are bursting with news as they have received and extra special delivery – 9 fertilised chicken eggs. They are getting ready to hatch in side the incubator which needs to be kept at 37.7 degrees. The children have already made sure there is plenty of water inside the incubator as the eggs need a humid climate. The eggs are due to hatch on either Wednesday or Thursday so the excitement is immense. The class can’t wait to begin caring for their new additions to the class.
we are so egg-cited for the chicks to hatch!we cant wait to start caring for them !
Kira- I am so egg-cited for the eggs to hatch there is only one more day and then we will hopefully have 9 healthy chicks.
Brooke- the chicks look so fluffy hopfully we will have 9 of them tomorrow or thursday we will keep the chicks for 2 weeks.
Hoping all 9 eggs are going 2 hatch if all of them do I will be over the moon. :> YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I am so egg-cited for today yesterday one cracked a bit and today is the 21st day so that means there going to hatch today yay !!!!!

We have got 6 chicks so far so I hope that all of them hatch and they are a one in a life time egg-perience I will not let them go :]

I love ur new baby chicks im so happy and the chicks are fluffy