Our Week Ahead

This week is another busy week as always at St.Augustine’s.  This week we have a strong focus on Health and Well-Being as we have the second of our Health Weeks this school year.  So please remeber to ensure your child brings their P.E. kit each day just incase they are involved in some activities.

This week is also National Walk to School Week – so get those walking shoes on!!

Mon – Pr. 5 – 7 – Orienteering with Vikki Sadler Active Sports Co-ordinator

Healthy Food Workshops with Liz Wilkie – TESCO

Pr.4 Church Practice for First Communion

Tues – Fluoride Coating Pr 1 and 2 pupils

NLC Can Cook – workshops

Miss Robertson, St.Ambrose H.S. to speak to Pr.7 (R.E.)

Mrs.Docherty out at a meeting – pm

WORLD OF WORK – CAREERS FAIR – 3.00pm in hall, all welcome

Wed. – Mrs.Docherty , Mrs.Fraser to attend NLC Learning Festival

Pr.4 – Church Practice – First Communion

Thurs. – St.Ambrose Football Festival – Pr,. 5, 6 and 7 teams selected. Girls team

Pr. 1, New Entrants Induction Afternoon

Frid. – Truck and Child Safety to visit school for whole school talks

Mrs.Elliott – training session

Basketball training session



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