The Week Ahead

Our week ahead is a busy one considering we are off on Monday and it is an In -Service Day on Thursday.

Tues. – Release of HMI Report.  The long awaited report will provide the school with the clear action points it must address as a matter of urgency to ensure all children receive their entitlement to a quality education.  The school is on an Improvement Journey and welcomes this report in assisting us to bring about change and improvement.

Mrs.Docherty out of school (am) visiting Literacy Base.

Rugby – Rooms 15 and 16 – am

Wed. Several visitors to the school today including Occupational Therapist and Learning Support Teachers.

Rooms 1 and 2 – Farm To Fork Visit at Tesco

Thurs. – Ascension Thursday

In-Service Day

Frid. First Friday Mass 10.00am

Church Hall – Grand Opening, Bishop Toal to attend.


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