The Week Ahead

images-5This week is Holy Week and the school community is asked to join the parishioners of St.Augustine’s for the morning service at 8.30am on Monday and Wednesday of this week.  On Thursday our Pr4 – 7 pupils are asked to decorate an egg for the afternoon competition.  Children may bring in props etc . to help decorate their egg on the day.

Please note there will be a Mass to celebrate Miss Thompson’s retirement after 42 years of dedicated and committed service to St.Augustine’s.  All are welcome to join us on Tuesday 29th March at 2.00pm for the service.

Monday – Miltary Museum for the pupils of Rooms13,14,15 and 16.

Room 14 pupils to visit  Centenary House

Tuesday – Morning Service 10.00am


Garden Day – helpers would be greatly appreciated

Wear Wellie Walk – am, Pr.1 – 3

Fun Run – pm, Pr.4 – 7

(events planned by Pupil Council for Lenten Charities)

Thursday – Easter Bonnet Parade – 11.30am, Pr.1 – 3

Whole School Assembly – 1.30pm, Easter Bonnet Parade,

Decorated Egg Competition


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