Primary 1 Amazing Authors

Primary 1 have been very busy in class working with their Pr.7 buddies to write and illustrate our own books.  They made a plan for their story with their buddy and designed their  own front cover, then they got to work writing their own stories.  They will soon be finished and ready to share with friends,  family and visitors.  As part of Literacy Fortnight the class also had some visitors who came along to read their favourite stories.  This included Mrs.Redmond, Mrs.Connolly and Mrs. Rankin.  In class Pr.1 have had lots of opportunity to listen to stories and will be logging onto Live Literature to hear some well known authors talk about their books.  The boys and girls are looking forward to World Book Day and their pyjama themed readathon and to the Literacy Assembly on Friday when they can dress up as a character from fiction.  Their big evidence books will have a record of all that they have been involved with to celebrate the world of books.


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