The Week Ahead



This week is an extremely busy week for everyone as all classes are involved in creating their own books for our Literacy Week.  There is a programme of activities across the school throughout the week to celebrate World Book Day on Thursday 3rd March.  All classes will be involved in reading for enjoyment and will also view Live Literature Broadcasts by Michael Morpurgo, David Walliams, Julia Donaldson and many more.  We are hopeful it will inspire more of our children to read for enjoyment.  This week is also the start of Fairtrade Fortnight and our Global Citizens have organised a Fairtrade shop to be run throughout the fortnight.  This will compliment the work taking place in all classes to learn about Fairtrade.  Our Lenten Charity work continues with a pyjama themed readathon and movie afternoon taking place on Thursday.  Cost will be £1.00 for our Lenten Charities.

Mon. – March – April Newsletter will be issued

Football Afterschool Club (Pr.3)

Fun Fitness Afterschool Club (Pr.3)

Tues. – Pr.7 transition work with St.Ambrose staff

Cross Country Afterschool Club

Wed. – Dental checks, Pr1 and Pr.7

Assembly Pr.1 – 3 and Pr.4 – 7 – theme Fairtrade

Thurs.- World Book Day

Orienteering, Pr.4/5 led by Sports Leaders from St.Ambrose

Pyjama themed readathon, children to bring pyjamas, cushion, blanket and BOOK for readathon.  Pyjama themed movie afternoon – linked to a famous children’s book.

Badminton Afterschool Club

Dance Afterschool Club

Frid. – First Friday Mass

Literacy Assembly – Pr.1 – 3, children to dress up as a character from fiction.  Parents invited to attend at 2.00pm


7 thoughts on “The Week Ahead”

    1. Hello Donna,
      Thursday children is Pyjama day and children can change in school for the readathon and for the movie afternoon. Friday is dress up as a character from fiction day for our Literacy assembly – parents are invited to attend at 2.00pm. Our literacy asembly is for Pr.1 – 3 parents. A letter will go out tomorrow to inform everyone that children turn up on uniform but can then get changed.

    1. Hello Amanda, I am think the class dojo being used in class is one that does not involve a parent link up. I am sure if you contact your child’s teachers they will be happy to explain.

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