Our week ahead has much to keep everyone in the school community very busy. Our Pr.6 and 7 pupils, in particular, will be very busy preparing for their Confirmation service on Thursday evening. This is the second week of our Lenten Charities. Our ‘Guess the Bear’s Birthday’ will continue each lunchtime.
Mon. – Netball League – am
Basketball Coaching Session – Pr.7 -am
Tues. – Mrs.Docherty to attend training event at Literacy Base – am
Cross Country Afterschool Club
Fun Fitness Afterschool Club
Wed. – Miss Ross – Heartstart training event
Netball Afterschool Club
Thurs. – SportsLeaders from St.Ambrose to deliver orienteering to Pr.4/5
Badminton Afterschool Club
Dance Afterschool Club
Healthy Eating Programme – Room 9 lead by pupils from St.Ambrose
Confirmation, Pr.6 and Pr.7 – 7.00pm
Frid. Sports Leaders from St.Ambrose to deliver hockey to Pr.6
Whole School Assembly
Mrs.Docherty to attend Budget Briefing for 2016/2017, St.Ambrose – am
Wacky Hair Day – non-uniform day. All proceeds are for our Lenten Charities