Our Week Ahead


Our week ahead is extremely busy as ever, however there is an increased impetus to get everything ready for our very important visitors.  Just as you do at home when people come to visit we want to ensure that we show off our school and the achievements of our pupils as well as we can.  Our regular updates in regard of improvements to the school building mean that we are in a position to talk about our plans for specific parts of the school as we are at the mercy of contractors and delivery dates.  We are proud of our school and delight in the wide variety of achievements that all our children attain and enjoy.  We are confident that with so many children who are successful learners and confident individuals they will take the lead role in telling the story about our school and where we are going in order to further improve.

Mon– Netball League – competitive event 10 – 12

Staff training night – Focus on Food, capitalising on our newly fitted kitchen

Football- Pr.6 – 7

Tues. – Mrs.Docherty to attend several meetings with outside agencies

Swimming – Pr.5

St.Ambrose Information evening  – Pr.7 – 7.00pm

Fun Fitness Afterschool Club – Pr.3

Cross Country Afterschool Club – Pr.5 – 7

Wed – Junior Sports Leader training – Pr.7

Assemblies – Pr.1 – 3

Pr.4 – 7

Netball Afterschool Club

Thurs – Healthy Eating Project led by St.Ambrose pupils – Room 9

Dance afterschool Club

Badminton Afterschol Club

Frid. –    First Friday Mass

Interim Progress Reports to be issued

Afterschool Football Club – Pr.4 / 5



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