The Week Ahead


Our week ahead is as busy as ever with children enjoying the challenge of new Interdisciplinary Projects.  Children have reviewed what they already know, what they would like to find out and how they intend to do this and share their learning.  Please look for the ‘What’s Happening in my Child’s Class?’  information sheet which will be issued this week.

Mrs.Docherty has quite a few important visitors to the school this week who will be reviewing the school budget, reviewing current attainment data and reviewing the schools progress to date.  These visitors will provide some assistance in regard of the schools ongoing improvement agenda.

This week we continue with our review of teaching and learning with Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott visiting classes and also reviewing pupil work.  We aim to discuss with children their learning and what they regard as their next steps in order to maintain progress and achievement.

Monday – Class Learning Visits

Rabbie Burns event – Rooms 13,14,15, and 16,  Parents  and grandparents of these pupils have been invited to our first Burns Supper taking place at 1.30pm.

Football -Pr.6 – 7

Tuesday – Class Learning Visits

Fun Fitness Afterschool Club – Pr.3

Cross Country Afterschool Club – Pr.5 – 7

Wednesday – Euro Quiz team to attend competition

Wednesday Assemblies -Pr 1 – 4, Pr. 4 – 7

Netball Afterschool Club – Pr. 5 – 7

Education Mass – 7.30pm, Cathedral, Motherwell

Thursday – Class Learning Visits

Dance Afterschool Club – Pr. 5 – 7

Badminton Afterschool Club – Pr. 5 – 7


Committe Meetings

Football Afterschool Club – P.r 4 – 5


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