A Busy Week Ahead

As we prepare for the Birth of Christ on Christmas Day the school continues with a programme of events and charitable deeds throughout this season of Advent.

On Monday our Enterprise Committee have requested a Christmas Dress Up Day that will cost £1.00 with all donations going to Mary’s Meals.  This will mean that Monday is an own clothes day with children free to adorn themselves with all things Christmassy!!! Having seen the great variety of Christmas jumpers, T-shirts, hats and hair bands on show recently the school will be a vision tomorrow!!

On Tuesday we have our afternoon performance of our Christmas Concert. Our invited guests in the afternoon will include a family who have moved into the authority from Syria .  We are both delighted and honoured that they have chosen to join us in our celebration of Christmas.

On Wednesday we have a very busy day with the exciting opportunity for the boys and girls to come out at night and perform their Christmas Nativity and Concert in the evening. The show starts at 7.00pm with all children requested to come to school at 6.30 pm. Many thanks in advance for  supporting the school and bringing your child along to perform with their class on the night. All children can be picked up after the whole show  finishes at roughly 8.30pm.  Many thanks for your support in this regard.

On Thursday the whole school may well be recovering from a few hectic days  but not the pupils of Pr. 4 and 5 as they have their Christmas Party. It is an early lunch for everyone that day.  Children going home must be collected from the school as there will be no crossing patrol at 12 o’clock.

On Friday afternoon our Pr.  6 and 7 pupils are sure to arrive in all their finery for their party at 1.00pm. Once again children must be collected at 12 o’clock if going home to get ready.

Remember to check the school blog for picture galleries of our week.


2 thoughts on “A Busy Week Ahead”

  1. Worth noting that until the 28th of December £1 donated to Mary’s meals will become £2 as the Government will double all monies raised over this period.

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