A Busy Week Ahead

This week is a busy week as always with lots going on both inside and outside of school.  Today we celebrated St. Andrew’s Day with Holy Mass at 10am at St.Augustine’s followed by our wonderful concert in the afternoon.  Reminders were not sent out as this concert was in our newsletter for the term with all our important dates for your diary.

On Tuesday our Pr.5 pupils begin their 10 week swimming block.  The children will have a swimming block and will also attend the gym for a coaching session in the main hall.  In the afternoon the children will enjoy a special treat as a result of all their efforts for our Christmas Fair.  A visiting theatre company will perform Robin Hood to the whole school at 1.30pm.

On Wednesday we will gather together for our weekly assembly.

On Thursday our hardworking PTA will invite each class to our multi-purpose room for a Children’s Christmas Stall.  Please remember to give your child some money for the stall.

On Friday Rooms 13 – 16 will attend First Friday Mass at 10am.  Mrs.Docherty will attend St.Ambrose patronal Mass at the high school at 11.30am.  In the afternoon all pupils will gather i their committees for their next committee meeting.

3 thoughts on “A Busy Week Ahead”

    1. School uniform tomorrow Ailis. Everyone can wear their own clothes when we go out of school next week to the panto at Hamilton.

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