The Week Ahead

Our school week has got off to a busy start as always with classes creating products for the school fair during the last week of our Enterprise Fortnight.  The school office has been busy all day with pupils making requests to display posters around the school and to talk about the products they will selling at the fair on Saturday.  This afternoon Room 9 had a visit from the outreach team at Summerlee Heritiage Museum as part of their class studies on Scotland.  We look forward to their pictures of the workshop.

On Tuesday to celebrate Scottish Book Week the whole school will welcome celebrated children’s author Stuart Reid who will deliver an author talk for Pr.1 -3 then a talk for Pr.4 – 7.  The morning is sure to be eventful, funny and memorable for everyone.  In the afternoon our Pr.7 pupils will benefit from a creative writing workshop led by Stuart.  Room 8 pupils will also receive a visit from Summerlee Heritiage Museum as part of their studies on Scotland.

On Wednesday Pr. 1- 3 will gather for their midweek assembly followed by Pr4 – 7’s assembly.  This is a great opportunity to celebrate pupil success and achievement.  We have also been learning some new hymns in preparation for the service onSt.Andrew’s Day.  In the evening the school our Parent Council will meet at 6.00pm and out P.T.A. will meet at 7.15pm.  The P.T.A. would like as many members as possible to attend in order to confirm arrangements for the fair on Saturday.

On Thursday Mrs.Docherty will be out of school to attend a conference on Self-Improving Schools.

On Friday the whole school will gather for an assembly where they will share their learning and the great products they will be selling at the fair.  Later on in the day it will be all systems go as classes bring down their products for selling at the fair. All stalls will be set up in the afternoon in preparation for the Christmas Fair on Saturday morning.

On Saturday our Christmas fair will commence at 10am.  We have a very important visitor on the day so make sure you have written your Christmas list well in advance!!


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