Ministerial Visit

The school community were delighted to welcome Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, Angela Constance MSP to the school this afternoon. She was welcomed at the school entrance by our newly elected House Captains who did a wonderful job of introducing themselves and informing her of their very important positions. On her arrival she met Mrs.Docherty and several other members of the local authority including Chief Executive for Learning and Leisure, Andrew Sutherland. Her planned brief chat extended to thirty minutes with a focus on the National Improvement Framework and the Scottish Attainment Challenge. The school feels very honoured to be involved in such discussions and for the opportunity to contribute to national debate. The Minister visited the Pr.1 pupils in Room 2 and got the opportunity to chat to the children about their learning. The children were a delight and made the Minister smile throughout her visit to the class. Plenty of successful learners and very confident individuals!!

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