The Week Ahead

This week will be a very important week for the school community as we host a visit by Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, Angela Constance MSP. This is a great honour for the school and a wonderful privilege. Our esteemed guest will join us on Monday and will be introduced to NLC Chief Executive of Learning and Leisure, Andrew Sutherland and Curriculum Improvement Officers, Gillian Hanlon and Jim Beers. Our newly appointed Depute Head Teacher, Mrs. Margaret Maria Elliott will also join the welcoming party who will be involved in discussions around the National Improvement Framework. Our children know this very important visit will be taking place on Monday with a possibility that they may be filmed or photographed during the visit. Please ensure all forms are returned in order that permission is granted or not for such photography of your child.

This week several members of the staff will be out of school for staff training, this will involve training in regard of literacy and the Pope Francis Faith Award of which we will be a part of this year.

On Thursday our Pr.1 pupils will be photographed by the Advertiser. it goes without saying that all children will be in full uniform. Our uniform policy has been fully supported and our pupils look resplendent everyday. A great big thank you for your support in this regard. This gives a strong message in terms of how we present ourselves in the local community and the pride that we have in being part of St.Augustine’s community of faith and learning. Your children are a real credit to you all!!

On Friday we hope the weather looks kindly upon us for our sponsored walk along the leafy lanes of our locality. This is the school’s main fundraising event to raise money for school funds that will benefit all children throughout the school year. As a school community we thank you in anticipation of your generosity and support. Parents who would like to walk with us on Friday please contact the school. This will be an own clothes day and children have been reminded to dress appropriately for the walk and to prepare for inclement weather. Our fingers are crossed that we have a dry day and perhaps even some sun!!
Our Pr.7 pupils are due to leave on the 21st September for their visit to Kilbowie. Please ensure all payments are made in advance of next week. Thank you.

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