Open Evening

A huge thank you to all parents who joined us on Thursday evening. We had a massive response and it was wonderful to see the school packed full with interested parents and children eager to show off their learning environment to their parents. Our parental questionnaire that was completed by all parents indicated that you found the evening both highly helpful and informative. We aim to build upon this partnership work throughout the school year. Many thanks to our wondeful P.T.A. who attended and provided tea and cake on the evening. They are delighted to announce that they acquired the names of several people who were interested in becoming members. This is great news as the school greatly values its links with parents and strives to work in partnership to raise essential funds. Many thanks to our Parent Council who were represented on the night by Chairperson Mr.Iain Kinnear and Vice Chairperson Mrs.Kathleen Robb. They are keen to seek your views about representing the Parent Forum and working in partnership with to support the work of the school.

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